Elements of effective strategy

Top results are only achieved with a well-implemented strategy.

One major challenge in developing a good strategy is the lack of a clear definition for the strategic framework. Organizations often spend a lot of time creating strategies, but different organizations may understand the strategy framework differently.

Many strategies fail because they are not viable strategies but instead collections of goals and priorities. Goals and priorities only describe expected outcomes without explaining what actions need to be taken.

What are the elements of an effective strategy?

A strategy includes many important parts, all of which are crucial for successful implementation. The key elements of an effective strategy are summarized in the triangle below. Organizations typically need several strategies: one overarching strategy for the entire organization and others that are subordinate to it. The terms corporate strategy and business strategy usually distinguish between these.

The hallmark of an effective strategy is a clear path from the vision to the metrics. You must consider this especially when crafting business strategies, as the corporate vision and mission may need adaptation to suit the business unit. 

Diagram illustrating key strategy elements: vision, mission, strategic choices, long-term strategic objectives, annual objectives, development projects, and key metrics.

Elements of an effective strategy

Vision and Mission describe the future state and the reason for the existence of the organization. They answer the questions “what” and “why” respectively. For the vision and mission to be elements that support the strategy, they must be credible and motivating.

Strategic choices are critical for all organizations. However, they are often undefined or assumed to be known without formal documentation. Strategic choices refer to what the organization chooses to do or not do. They may also define which customers the organization serves and what values it generates.

When considering strategic choices, keep the following points in mind:

Overview of items to consider alongside strategic choices, including the selection of a strategy deployment method like Hoshin Kanri.

The management system serves as the strategy implementation method, and you can refer to this blog to select the right system for your case.

After defining strategic choices, you can then establish strategic objectives. Strategic objectives are concrete, measurable targets with a time horizon of more than one budget period. At this stage, objectives provide a picture of the expected result without specifying the required actions.

Break down strategic objectives into short-term objectives, often aligned with the budget period. These provide the concrete details needed to monitor strategy implementation. Strategic projects include all the actions an organization takes to achieve both short-term and strategic objectives. These projects may range from multi-year endeavors to quick, impactful initiatives. Continuous improvement is crucial for organizational success, though it rarely features directly in strategy.

For example, the Hoshin Kanri method for strategy implementation links objectives to projects and KPIs. Read more about hoshin kanri here.

Key metrics are the organization’s selected key performance indicators (KPIs). Monitoring these metrics ensures that the organization achieves its desired results.

Key takeaways for strong strategy and execution:


  • Clear path from vision to strategic projects and key metrics.
  • Well-defined strategic choices with only a few clear priorities.
  • Strategic goals are challenging yet achievable.
  • Staff members actively participate in strategy development.
  • Focused strategic projects with a manageable number.
  • Systematic monitoring of strategy progress.

The success of a strategy becomes clear afterward, reflected in increased competitiveness and behavior changes.

There are four major organizational structural barriers that can prevent successful strategy implementation. Read more about structural barriers here.

Besides these barriers, you also need to avoid operational pitfalls to ensure successful strategy execution. Read more about operational pitfalls here.

Amplon's software makes strategy execution easy.

Amplon helps organizations translate strategic intentions into tangible objectives, actions, and KPIs. It facilitates this for all organizational units and layers, ensuring strong alignment and transparency.

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Operational pitfalls to strategy execution

Operational pitfalls, such as unclear priorities, lack of resource allocation, and poor communication, can significantly hinder strategy execution. Addressing these challenges requires a focus on aligning day-to-day operations with strategic goals, ensuring clear roles, and maintaining consistent communication across the organization.

Just like life jackets keep you afloat, recognizing structural barriers—such as misaligned company culture and unclear decision rights—helps keep your strategy implementation on course

Structural barries for strategy implementation

Structural barriers like misaligned company culture and unclear decision rights can derail strategy implementation. Overcoming these challenges is essential for translating strategic goals into actionable outcomes and ensuring successful execution.

Compass symbolizing the future, representing the Hoshin Kanri strategic planning framework that aligns organizational direction and goal achievement

What is Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri is a strategic planning method that aligns an organization’s long-term vision with its daily operations, ensuring continuous improvement and clear communication across all levels. By focusing on setting and achieving breakthrough objectives, Hoshin Kanri helps organizations stay on track toward their strategic goals.

This picture is linked to the blog posting about 8 tips for creating winning strategies

8 tips for world class strategy execution

Effective strategy execution requires clear communication, prioritization, and continuous monitoring. Key tips include setting measurable goals, ensuring leadership commitment, fostering cross-functional collaboration, and maintaining flexibility to adapt to changes. Implementing these practices can significantly enhance the success of your strategic initiatives.

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