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Strategy deployment is a challenging task. This page contains material you can use to improve your odds of getting your strategy executed according to plan.

There are many strategy implementation methods, but there is not a single method that suits all organizations and all situations. The table below helps you choose the best method for your organization among the three most common methods: Hoshin Kanri, Balanced Scorecards, and OKRs.

Hoshin kanri, OKRs and Balanced Scorecard - learn which strategy implementation method is best for you:

Hoshin kanri


Balanced scorecard


A goal-setting framework which combines long term objectives with annual objectives and improvement priorities with KPIs.

Alignment process to reduce waste and to ensure common direction.

OKRs are a goal-setting framework which consists of objectives and key results.

Measurable goals create alignment.

Strategy is formulated using 4 perspectives: finance, customers, internal processes, and learning & growth.

Aim to balance financial and non-financial KPIs.


Change and performance.


Performance and operational management.


Tiered according to organizational level.

Focus on teams.

Business unit focus.

Strategy horizon

3–5 years and focus on annual planning.

Focus on a quarter of a year with an annual horizon.

More than 1 year. Focus on annual planning.


  • Strong alignment across organizational levels.
  • Forces maintaining of focus & clarifying ownership.
  • Simple strategy visualization.
  • Fast pace
  • Relatively simple.
  • Aligned to roles in the organization.
  • Taught widely in universities.
  • Efficient in describing metrics of corporate strategy.


  • Perceived as a demanding method due to its lean roots.
  • Support for very short-term goals.
  • Easy to end up with too many objectives.
  • Alignment in a large organization.
  • Limits corporate strategy to a set of KPIs
  • Easy to lose the bigger picture.
  • Cascading down the objectives lacks precision.

Best suited to

Companies where internal cooperation and alignment are important.

Companies where the need for internal alignment is low.

Companies with simple organizational structure.

Hoshin Kanri’s simplicity has inspired Amplon to visualize strategy and engage managers and employees of all levels in strategy execution. However, Amplon went a step further and addressed the shortcomings of the Hoshin Kanri method. 

This means that companies using Amplon do not need to stick to the lean philosophy (unless they want to); companies can design a bottom-up strategy and easily adapt this software to their culture and processes. makes sharing common development projects and activities easy, ensuring focus in the organization. Instant monitoring of strategy through software dashboards allows for an immediate reaction to any deviation.

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Learning material for hoshin kanri:

Compass pointing to future

What is Hoshin Kanri

This blog gives you an quick overview of hoshin kanri and why you should know this effective strategy deployment method.

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Strategy execution guides:

Top results are only achieved with a well-implemented strategy.

Elements of effective strategy

Top results are only achieved with a well-implemented strategy. Many organizations can do reasonably well by continuing with their so-called old model, but this rarely retains a competitive advantage.

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